What is Power Plant?

Today, Power Plant is just beginning. We are a website & online resource sharing recipes, cooking tips, and gathering inspiration! In the near future, we will be announcing in-person offerings and more.

David mixing Farinata batter

Cooking and Gathering with Joy

Preparing food and gathering with others are essential parts of life that have become unapproachable and commodified in many communities and cultures we are a part of. 

Food isn’t just a fuel that keeps us alive: It can be pleasurable, comforting, and celebratory! The food system is complex, but making compassionate food choices and finding joy in home cooking shouldn’t have to be. Cooking meals that delight our friends, families, and ourselves is a type of magic that we can all achieve.

Most of us gather in some form every single day, even if we don’t recognize it as gathering. Whether it’s at work, at the dinner table, or out with friends—We all congregate with the people in our lives frequently. Despite how often we do it, gathering can leave many feeling unsatisfied or unfulfilled in their sense of community. Hosting, on the other hand, can seem overwhelming and intimidating. We believe that with some extra thought, support, and a few tricks up your sleeve: Anyone can host gatherings and make amassing with others feel more satisfying.

Eating and gathering go hand-in-hand. Communities, cultures, and societies have depended on gathering around food as long as Humanity has existed! It’s a perfect combination.


Eating and Living with Compassion

compassion (noun)
com·​pas·​sion | \kəm-ˈpa-shən\
Sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.

Power Plant is an ethical vegan venture. 

What does that mean? Our food and lifestyle choices are centered around reducing harm and suffering for other living creatures. 

So animals, right? Yeah! Animals are living creatures… So are farmers, factory workers, everyone else working in food supply chains, and everyone impacted by food systems (read: every living thing on the planet).

We believe compassion is the most effective fuel for positive change. When you make choices to reduce harm and suffering in the world, everyone benefits. Compassion is enough, when combined with action, to fuel massive systemic changes for the good of people, animals, and the planet.

We don’t believe in perfect solutions—We believe in always trying to do better. Making informed and mindful choices doesn’t have to mean thinking about doom and gloom all the time. In fact, with the right tools and support, it can feel liberating and empowering! Our goal is for you to feel joy and power from the food you eat, your time spent in the kitchen, the communities you gather in, and beyond.